We always start by reminding ourselves that there’s only one of us here. The ‘separation’ never actually happened. The entire manifest Universe, including space, time and all dimensions, is an illusion — a dream in the mind of an Ultimate Being.
It was already over long ago, we already all won the game, and we are already all Home now. We are in a dream of space and time, and within this dream there is structure, including a finite series of experiences that we will run through at whatever speed we choose. Until we complete this curriculum we remain in the "illusion".
The essence of this Ultimate Being is Love. We are also told that Free Will, or the "First Distortion of the Law of One", is the most essential concept to grasp in terms of how to treat others with Love within the ‘illusion’ of space and time.
You cannot escape the fact that your essence is Love, and that your purpose here is to awaken to your true identity as the One Infinite Creator.
You also cannot escape the fact that as Love, you set up a system of guidelines where whatever you measure out to others will be measured back to you.
Hence, treat others with love and compassion and more of these wonderful qualities will flow into your own life naturally. Treat others with manipulation and control and you, in turn, will be manipulated and controlled by others.
Sadly, on this planet at this time, there are many, many people who do not grasp that we live in a highly structured reality, in which there is a "Glass Ceiling."
Everything you say, everything you do, everything you think is known.
Not just by you, but by everyone above our own ‘third-density’ level.
You may be able to manipulate this reality and lie to someone here on the ground, or deceive and manipulate them in some way that appears to have worked. However, in truth you are utterly, 100-percent accountable for everything you do.
There really is no privacy — not in the sense of the higher forces who surround us and are constantly peering into our reality through the "Glass Ceiling."
This insults the ego of people who haven’t accepted Oneness to some degree, and have indulged in a false sense of privacy most of their lives. Nonetheless, this is exactly how it works in the deeper ‘Real World’ we’re all participating in, with varying levels of awareness.
Many people are awakening to the realities within conspiracy theories at this time, and find it astonishing that the mainstream media has been lying to them for so long about so many things.
Nonetheless, they typically still fail to realize that even the full scope of ‘Truth’ about government / corporate / secret society shenanigans is nothing by comparison to the much greater hidden reality that underlies our existence.
The fact is that we are not alone. Our world is not what it seems to be at all. It is a massive school, intending to teach us to make a solid choice between love or control.
Our thoughts and actions do not occur in a void. Everything we think and everything we do pushes us in a direction — either closer to Oneness or farther away from it.
Whenever we veer from our course of Oneness, we will continually be prodded back on the path.
Think about this the next time you are tempted to lie, cheat, steal, hurt, manipulate or control someone. You may be able to do these things and "Get Away With It", but your Higher Self is taking it all in and programming future events to balance you out the very moment you perform these ‘infringements.’
Every time you judge someone, hate them, criticize them or attack them, you have just demonstrated that you do not understand the truth of Oneness and of Love. And you are accountable for the thoughts you create. They will come back around.
It’s a shame that more of my readers do not grasp this simple concept, given the level of vitriol I see in the anti-Obama flame letters. If you hate or attack anyone, for any reason, then you haven’t grasped the most basic aspect of spiritual truth there is.
I’m not affected by it — I already have forgiven you for whatever you write and know it’s not about me anyway — but these actions very much do affect you. It’s a point worth meditating about.
You will always have a place in my heart where you are seen as precious beyond measure, regardless of how you approach me. By that same token, I withdraw from confrontations, refusing to engage, and do the forgiveness / acceptance work on a higher level, apart from any direct physical communication.
According to the Cayce Readings, a "Law of Grace" is being applied here on Earth where we are not held responsible for more ‘karma’ than we can hope to make use out of and understand at any given time.
There are so many thousands of ways in which we inadvertently infringe upon the free will of others — say by buying ultra-cheap ‘sweat-shop’ products essentially built by the modern Asian equivalent of slaves — that if we were fully accountable for every infringement, we would all be suffering miserably and no one would learn anything.
Therefore, the Law of Grace is a sliding scale where you do not experience any greater ‘karma’ than you can be expected to learn from.
The problem here is that once you become fully educated as to the realities you live in, and the metaphysical truths that the Universe is formed from, the Law of Grace increasingly falls away, and you become totally accountable.
In this world, with how many people are ‘asleep’ and how easily they can hurt you, that is a very, very difficult place to be.
I have been living this way for many, many years now, having begun advanced spiritual studies into hypnosis and ESP at age 7, and gaining the complete Law of One philosophical perspective in 1996. Hence I am far more accountable, for far smaller things, than most other people would be.
The stakes rise even higher when you are out there giving spiritual teachings to groups of people who have found your work. If any of your actions do not align with your teachings, the karmic feedback is swift, intense and relentless.
Again, the key is not to get angry or frustrated, but to see it as a blessing. Each experience is a gift that can lead to your full awakening if pursued to its greatest extent.
Initiation is probably the least-understood aspect of spiritual truth and philosophy for most people who are in the process of awakening… and initiation comes through ‘catalyst,’ either of spirit, mind or body.
The Law of One series defines ‘catalyst’ as anything that promotes our spiritual evolution back into Oneness. In many cases these are jarring events, as this is what we need to wake up.
We like to think of spiritual growth as this happy, loving, wonderful process. We feel we’ve been suffering and we want to end that suffering. We may initially be attracted into spirituality as almost another form of addiction — just have a drink and your problems melt away.
It doesn’t work that way at all. You can read books, listen to radio shows, watch documentaries and ‘spread the word’ about what you see to be the truth all day long — but if you neglect the love that is present in this moment, and do not adequately share it with yourself and others, you will be shaken.
Even in high school, I was telling people that "Spiritual growth is the hardest thing you will ever do in your life. It is also the most rewarding."
Back in the 80s, a pot-smoking friend of mine stole a fairly expensive item from someone, and almost immediately wrecked his car. He did not ‘gain’ anything — his loss from the car wreck was greater than what he ‘gained’ from stealing someone else’s property.
To me this was so obvious I was astonished when he refused to see a correlation between the events.
I watched more and more people suffering the effects of ‘karma’ and not even daring to imagine that these events were in any way related to things they had already said, done or even just thought. Nonetheless, the more you awaken to this reality, the more obvious it becomes when it happens to everyone else.
Again, the Law of One term for ‘karma’ is catalyst — and it comes in a sequential process. It starts in the spirit, and if that doesn’t work it spills over into the mind. If that doesn’t work it spills over into the body.
The reason why I’m writing all this is I just went through some very intense ‘body catalyst’ and am sharing the fruits of what I learned.
The first level of catalyst is spiritual. The questioner in the Law of One series never examined this very much, but it is clear that a great deal of spiritual catalyst occurs in the form of dream initiations.
Let’s say you have a major problem that has occurred in the past. It could be anything — think of any major problem you’ve been through, or that may be causing you distress even recently.
Though you cannot see it while stuck in linear time, there is a potential that this problem could happen again. Your Higher Self may see that you could be ready to let go of this problem for good.
You will then experience the same problem in a dream. If you successfully deal with it in the dream, i.e. in the ‘spirit,’ then you have signaled to your Higher Self that the problem need not repeat in your physical life. You have now learned the lesson, and you’re free to move to the next level.
As one example, say the problem is that you have not fully forgiven and accepted an abusive parent. You may have a dream where a monstrous character, with exaggerated qualities like those of your parent, is chasing you.
If you have done the work and have forgiven your parent, you may realize the monster in your dream has no power over you. There is no reason to fear as you turn and face the very thing that seems to have been so terrifying and impossible to deal with in the past.
This is a profound healing, as in its fullest form you see the monster as a part of yourself that is in a lot of pain and really doesn’t want to hurt anyone.
You then embrace and forgive this character, which often by now is nothing more than a child, and there is a burst of white light, often ending in you waking up in tears. Congratulations — you’ve just had the ultimate example of processing catalyst in the spirit.
However, if you go through the dream and you keep on running away from the problem, then it’s time for your catalyst to spill over into the mind.
Remember: "In Forgiveness Lies the Stoppage of the Wheel of Karma."
Everything flows from forgiveness. It is the central ingredient that can end all suffering in the manifest world.
The point at which your progress stops can be measured as the point at which your forgiveness stops.
Catalyst unprocessed by the spirit — i.e. through dreams we have that can be challenging, like running from an attacker and remaining terrified as it repeats over and over again — spill over into the mind. We then become consciously aware there is a problem, and it plagues our mind.
Going back to our example, as just one of many different possibilities, at this point we now attract someone into our lives who is the physical embodiment of the monster chasing us in the dream that we kept running from.
The person we now attract into our lives will have qualities that are quite similar to the abusive parent who first traumatized us. Now we have an opportunity to forgive this person, this projection of our original abuser, and learn to respect ourselves enough not to participate with people who treat us this way.
If we do not deal with catalyst in the mind — i.e. if we are unable to forgive this person in our lives who is offering us the same judgment, unfair treatment, condemnation, scorn and ridicule that we felt as a child, and ultimately direct against ourselves — then this catalyst spills over into the body.
This is where initiation can truly become dangerous, from a physical perspective. Nonetheless, on a higher level we take on and accept this danger because of how important it is that we awaken, or at the very least remain within a state of spiritual balance.
‘Physical Catalyst’ involves physical damage — either to the body itself, through internal illness or external injury, or to personal property — everything from accidentally dropping that glass or plate you liked all the way up to totaling a car or having your house burn down.
The intended effect of this ‘catalyst’ is the same as spiritual or mental catalyst. It is intended to give you insight, to wake you up, to jar you out of toxic emotions and back into love and forgiveness.
The difference here is that you’re now seeing destructive force unleashed upon your own body or upon the physical things that your body identifies with.
Unfortunately, we have been widely conditioned in movies and the like to not think of body catalyst as karmic in nature. ‘Bad Things’ just happen to people without there being any reason.
We recoil in horror when "Bad Things" happen to children, not realizing that in many cases future incarnations are required to balance karma out that we created in a prior life time.
And let us be clear that we do have a Higher Self, it does have a very real spiritual agenda for us, and if we stray far enough off the path of what we came here to do in this life, it is perfectly willing to end an incarnation and pull us out, hoping to recalibrate our next lifetime so as to generate faster learning and better results.
If you are already dealing with body catalyst, there is absolutely no reason to judge yourself as having done anything wrong. There is no ‘wrong’ — there is only love and free will, and when you infringe on free will, you will have experiences that can restore you to perfect balance.
Those experiences, in order to be properly processed and utilized, involve forgiving and accepting yourself and others. That’s what everything keeps coming down to. Even in college, long before I’d pieced it all together, I was telling my friend Angelica "Self-acceptance is the bulls-eye" we’re all shooting for on the spiritual path.
Your Higher Self never sees you in any other form than with unimaginable love. Catalyst is precisely measured and never exceeds the exact amount deemed to be useful to nudge you back into love, acceptance and forgiveness. And the more love you create, the more comes back to you… by equally mystical and miraculous processes.
Beings in higher dimensions are not detached and emotionless at all. In fact, they understand us far more than we could ever believe, and have exquisitely intricate sensitivity to every little nuance of the spiritual path that comes our way.
You cannot imagine a being more understanding, more compassionate, and more insightful, as they almost never occur on Earth due to the personality distortions we all face here. Nonetheless, it is to that same level of acceptance and understanding that we are all being pushed.
And with that said, let’s explore my own physical catalyst that I just passed through, as it was quite intense....
Continues at http://divinecosmos.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=431&Itemid=70
Supplier of Entheogens and much more!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
DMT and the Pineal Gland

Human beings have known of the psychedelic effects of dimethyltryptamine (DMT) millennia before the discovery of the molecule itself. The indigenous people of South and Central America have created various DMT containing snuffs and mixtures, and the more notable ayahuasca brew (Strassman 33).
Ayahuasca combines a DMT containing plant with an enzyme inhibitor which allows the DMT to be taken orally. In contemporary Western culture, extracted crystalline DMT is smoked for a short mystical trip through the veil of time and space.
DMT is no rarity of nature. In fact, it has been found in the bodies of all mammals in which scientists have searched for its presence. DMT is present in an enormous number of plants from every ecosystem. DMT has been found in human urine and blood, and many speculate, based on precursors and enzymes among other reasons, that DMT has an endogenous connection with the brains pineal gland. (Strassman 38)
The pineal gland, or third eye, is an unpaired brain organ shaped like a pine cone. Its location is the direct center of the brain, right above the brow center, or the crown chakra. The spiritual significance of the pineal gland spans throughout world religious tradition, as pointed out in David Wilcock’s ‘The 2012 Enigma’ documentary. As Wilcock points out, even today people of the Hindu faith wear the pottu on their forehead, indicating the pineal gland.
Many speculate the pineal is allowed to excrete DMT based on the theory of resonance. Just as certain sound frequencies can shatter glass, certain “‘sacred’ words, chants, visual images and mental exercise” can generate specific fields, causing the brain to vibrate and pulse at certain frequencies (Strassman 76). The change of consciousness is best illustrated by the “receiver of reality” brain model. Working with this model, Strassman compares the brain to a TV receiver, which can turn to different channels of consciousness, such as those induced by DMT (Strassman 311).
The effects of consumed DMT are remarkable. Joe Rogan articulates a typical DMT experience: “Literally, you are transported into another fucking dimension. I don’t mean like you feel you’re in another dimension, you’re in another dimension. There’s fucking complex geometric patterns moving in synchronies order through the air all around you in three dimensional space. It’s like they’re arteries, but there isn’t blood pumping through them, there’s light, pulsating light with no boundaries. And there’s an alien communicating with me who looks sort of like a Tai Buddha, except he’s entirely made of energy and there’s no outline to him. He’s concentrating and telling me not to give into astonishment, relax and try and experience this.”
After inducing and recording 60 clinical DMT sessions, Dr. Rick Strassman breaks the experiences into 3 different, yet overlapping categories. Joe Rogan’s would be considered an “invisible world” session, where users report “freestanding autonomous realities” coexisting with our own, often inhabited by aware and interactive alien beings. “Personal” sessions were psychologically oriented and “yield deeper awareness and acceptance of personal issues.” Lastly are the “transpersonal” sessions, including mystical and near death experiences, which go “beyond the individual’s historical life experience.” (Strassman 55)
Author Graham Hancock hypothesizes that the discovery of psychoactive substances by human beings some 40,000 years ago would have “exploded like incendiary bombs in the dull, somnolent, utilitarian minds of the anatomically modern but behaviorally archaic humans… demolishing rigid mental structures… jumpstarting the intellectual and cultural evolution of our species” (228).
Hancock also notes the statistical evidence that a small percentage, 1-2% of the human population, has the ability to spontaneous fall into trance and mystical states without the aid of “psychoactive plants or the physical methods of trance induction such as rhythmic dancing or drumming” (229). The weight of such experiences would have had little influence on society, just as their medieval and modern counterparts did, fairies and alien abduction phenomenon respectively (Hancock 229). Ergo, although some humans were having such experiences for perhaps hundreds of thousands of years, it wasn’t until these experiences went mainstream in the form of ingested and smoked plants that the profound shift in consciousness occurred. It is important to note that these mystical states of consciousness can be achieved by anyone entirely without the aid of psychedelics, through meditation, trance, and other means such as shamanic ecstasy.
Psychedelic substances are among the most natural substances on earth, nearly molecularly identical to our brains natural neural transmitters, and in the case of DMT – endogenous to the human body. Yet, governments around the world criminalize and run propaganda campaigns against these substances, placing shackles on the human mind. Isn’t the exploration of one’s own consciousness an inalienable human right? I believe the study of DMT and other psychedelics will lead to many answers regarding human evolution, consciousness, and life itself. To quote Joe Rogan once more, “Life is a massive fucking mystery, and there’s really only a few different ways to crack below the surface of that mystery, and the best way is psychedelics.”
By c0sm0nautt
david wilcock,
pineal gland,
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