So I ordered three books on Astral Projection to read over break, Adventures Beyond the Body by William Buhlman, Ultimate Journey by Robert Monroe, and Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce.
I've become obsessed with the subject over the past two days, and am already on to the second book, Buhlmans, which gives you in the first chapter two ways of inducing a OBE:
Just before falling asleep, repeating the affirmation "Now I'm Out of Body" and visualizing in as much detail as possible a room in your house/residence. I used my parents living room because I'm home for winter break.
To my surprise this technique worked for me my first night! As I drifted into sleep I began to get this strange sensation that vibrations were taking over my body, then came the loud noise which Buhlamn calls "your body and mind in a jet engine." This loud noise marks the transition phase to the OB state. This noise startled the hell out of me, and I woke up before transitioning. I'm still very excited with my progress, and am training myself not to be startled the next run at it. I will post when I achieve a full OBE, hopefully within the next two weeks!
Robert Monroe states that only 6000 people are capable of induced OBE's, yet his book was written with information from the 80's. Now I'm assuming this number is in the tens of thousands, and I can't wait to join the party!
I would venture to say the anyone can induce an OBE if they set their mind to it.
However he may be right about that number if you apply it to how many people are actually trying and succeeding.
OBE is just a beginning. Those fanatics always surprise me talking about the OBE as if it explains everything. There will be a moment when you understand that those "worlds" are the interacting between others, it's an illusion. The goal is to break apart those illusions to see what's behind. I do my OBEs since my 16 for almost 20 years. Seeing only good is just a half-vision of the Universe. Sometimes that "evil" shows you amazing things and allows to understand the meaning. There are always more powerful thoughts, thoughts of Gods which touch you.
I would recommend better to read Carlos Castaneda and Florinda Donner books, also "The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep" of T.W.Rinpoche and about phowa state in buddhism.
I once had a experience of been out of my body, not the one you get by using Cialis Online, but the experience took place on a LSD trip, it felt like in my body it wasn't me who were on command. It was a strange feeling.
Interesting. OBE is more to do with gnostic meditation and for the matter of fact, it has more to do with Gamma-Theta sync. You should visit my blog.
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