Ibogaine, the psychedelic extract from the Iboga root indigenous to Western Africa has showed in recent years to posses a life changing therapeutic effect, similar to the DMT containing brew Ayuascha. Check out this first hand account of an Iboga trip!
"As I started to feel the effects of the drug I was suddenly seized with fear. I had taken a hallucinogenic which could confuse the dreaming and iwaking states, my adulthood and childhood, and in doing so break the cellophane between myself and insanity. Sometimes drugs have been a trip into the horrors of my life and sometimes a means of flight from them. But nightmares are never more horrific than real life. Are they?
Perhaps I shouldn't have worried. As a child I saw everything as a novelty - I was always intoxicated. Alcoholism didn't run in my family, it galloped. By the time I was in my teens I was already sluicing down liquor with the abandon of someone truly spooked by his own existence. And it went on from there.
By the time I was 30, crack had taken me, as swiftly and easily as an eagle taking a rabbit. Crack led to heroin: first smoking, then the needle. I took drugs as an escape from a life which I found unendurable. I took drugs because I enjoyed taking them. The fixing ritual is the sweetest form of pleasure a man can have. The needle, the belt round the arm, the first feeling of the spike sliding through the flesh... The ecstasy of hitting a vein is incomparably pleasurable. Complete happiness is about to be yours. You hear the angels sing. You feel the kiss of God. The whole world is bathed in the luminous glow of entrancement, of contentment, of peace."
Read the rest of the article: http://www.guardian.co.uk/theobserver/2004/jun/20/features.magazine67
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