I would like to introduce theduderinok's youtube channel, which has been one of the most educational and information channels I have found to date.
Theduderinok takes interviews from popular radio shows such as CoasttoCoastAM and puts them in youtube format. His archieve has dozens if not hundreds of interviews with important teachers of this Paradigm Shift.
Check out his playlists! They include:
- Alternative Agriculture and Medicine
- 2012 and convergence of consciousness
- Astral Travel and Lucid Dreaming
- Quantum and Metaphysics
- and much much more!
Interviews include:
- Gregg Braden
- David Wilcock
- Dennis and Terrence McKenna
- David Icke
- Graham Hancock
- Ian Crane
- Richard Hoagland
- Dr. Len Horowitz
- John Lear
- John Major Jenkins
- Jordan Maxwell
- and many more!
You can find the link on the right side of the blog. Enjoy!
This theduderinok has become a closed minded attention whore. And Im not the only one who has realised this. If you say the slightest little thing wrong (or its something like that) in his comments, without even being rude (I have never saw Anybody be rude to him) He just blocks you for no reason.
So much for enlightenment and freedom of speech!
This blog is meant to ENLIGHTEN. And it does, but an attention seeking whore on YouTube, Facebook, MySpace etc, is not my idea of enlightenment.
I must agree with Chrisj2110, the "duder" blocked me from subscription, etc, basically just for suggesting that david wilcock was a fraud, which he indeed is.
good page still, but he should practice what he takes from other sources and puts up on his own page.
yeah I agree with you there. I don't even recall WHAT I may have said that was NOT to his liking.
I don't think it was his channel I happened to mention the fact that i MAY have been abducted a while back, I repeat it just MAY HAVE happened, Im not TOO sure. but things point to it having occurred to me. I think I may have lot it "slip" on some other persons channel, who I recall said they were interested in hearing from anyone who have experienced/may have an "Alien Abduction", If it was him that asked, then... well yeah, he should not ask, if he does not want to know about it!!
Yeah, I always practice what I preach, or know is right..
Saying someone (not the channel owner) is or maybe is a fraud is not an offence in my books, its a bloody opinion!
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