Synchronised Hyperspace Event - http://www.entheogenic-portal.com/
"The Synchronised Hyperspace Event is a study to what might happen when all of us, across the world, enter hyperspace at the same moment in time.
Since the discovery of hyperspace people have tried to understand what hyperspace really is. The basic question that is asked over and over again is: "Is hyperspace real or does is it only exist in our imagination?". To give an answer to this question we need to explore hyperspace and conduct several experiments while out there.
By no means are any of these experiments mandatory, they are all optional. If you only want to join for the massive take-off thats fine.
Meeting other travelers
The first and foremost experiment is to meet other travelers in hyperspace. There are however a few problems with that:
a. How do you recognize another traveler
To recognize another traveler, we ask each traveler to pick an individual "glyph" and/or "phrase" and focus on them before taking off to hyperspace. If you meet someone with a glyph or speaking a specific phrase try to remember it and write it down as soon as you come back from hyperspace.
b. If hyperspace is really, really huge like our own universe, how do you meet another traveler
One thing to make sure we meet other travelers is to focus on a specific place before taking off, the choosen place is Stonehenge. Of course this might sound strange, since we are in hyperspace and hyperspace might not have a place called stonehange but we have to start somewhere and that somewhere currently is stonehenge.
Remote viewing
One sub-experiment is remote viewing. We are using the same spot as the gathering spot for meeting other travelers: Stonehenge.
One theory about hyperspace is that hyperspace is just our own universe. To experiment with this we ask people who are gathering at stonehenge to remember specific things about it and write that down as soon as come back from hyperspace.
Mathematical questions
In hyperspace a lot of people encounter so called entities. One theory out there to establish the reality of hyperspace is to ask one of these entities a very hard mathematical question that's impossible for a normal human to answer. For example a very hard methematical question to ask is the factorization of a large non prime number.
Random Number Generators
At Princeton university they are running the Global Consciousness Project. With this project Random Number Generators (RNG's) are planted all over the world. These random number generators spit out several random numbers per day and what they look at is deviations in these random numbers. During their experiment several deviations could be linked to world wide events. The RNG's are still running and you can download the data for free. After the date of the event we will download the data and look for deviations around our liftoff time.
The set date and time for the next event to enter hyperspace is November 30th at 2:00 GMT (2am). Check http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/ to translate the GMT dates to your localized times.
Final words
So here we are, all entering hyperspace at the same time. Maybe nothing would come of it, maybe something spectacular would come of it, who knows... Regardless, it would be a very interesting experiment! At a minimum, imagine the reports that would be posted here, as different and / or similar as they might be, all experienced within the exact same window of time! OR, perhaps something deeper might manifest, allowing us to understand hyperspace in a whole new way!?"
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